Centris Blog

What to Do When Applying for a Mortgage

What to Do When Applying for a Mortgage

Purchasing a home is likely one of the most significant investments you’ll make, so keeping the mortgage lending process running smoothly is important! Here are six tips to follow before applying for a mortgage to ensure you close on the home of your dreams. Figure...

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Your Year-End Financial Planning Checklist

Your Year-End Financial Planning Checklist

It’s almost the new year —a time for resolutions and fresh starts. So, why not refresh your finances? The new year is a great opportunity to look back on your financial year, find ways to improve and set new financial goals. That’s where a financial checklist can...

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How to Save Money When You Think You Can’t

How to Save Money When You Think You Can’t

Saving is an important aspect of financial wellness. Yet, it may seem like everything you earn goes towards gas, groceries and other needs, leaving nothing left over for an emergency fund or other financial goals. You might have started going through your...

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Credit Cards: How Many Should I Have?

Credit Cards: How Many Should I Have?

When used responsibly, credit cards can be a great way to build credit or start credit history. But how many credit cards are too many, or too few? The truth is, there is no magic number for how many credit cards you should have. It’s how you use them that really...

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